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Mike Briginshaw

Another one of the family - we may all be related!

I live in a small village in Somerset, UK, but was originally from Jersey, one of the English Channel Islands. Born in 1943 and now retired I have been following up on some of the genealogical information accumulated by my father (now deceased) which goes back to William Briginshaw who was born in 1570. Regrettably however, there are a large number of gaps which I would like to be able to fill. The information I have is now in GEDCOM format and I am happy to send this to others.

About me/us
My daughters are Julie, who lives in Jersey and Alison who is already on this site.

My Relations
My main contacts, outside the UK have been with family in Australia and Tasmania

Contact Details
Michael Denys Briginshaw
TA21 0BZ
Home Phone: 01823 461627
Email: click here

My Links
Briginshaw Family Home Page

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